Do you accept Guest Posts? Yes I do, read this post here.
Did you go to school for being a makeup artist? No, I am a self taught freelance makeup artist and still learning.
What Camera do you use? Anything before 06/14/12 was taken with a Canon Powershot S750, anything after that date was taken with a Nikon D5100.
Is that your real eye color or are you wearing contacts? Yes, I was lucky enough to be the one in the family that got green/teal eyes with a hint of golden yellow. They also tend to change colors depending on what I'm wearing as far as my shirt or even the shades of eyeshadow I have on!
How is your skin so flawless in photographs? I've never had huge trouble with my skin, I don't normally break out aside from one pimple occasionally on the chin from stress or something. I do use good lighting to create the illusion of flawless skin along with powder foundation that I buff into the skin with a kabuki or liquid foundation with powder patted on top with a powder puff. If I have a prominent breakout I may also use the healing tool in PS.
How long have you been into makeup? I didn't get into makeup until the summer of 2008, before that I was mainly into just eyeliner and face powder if even. Makeup became another way to express my artistic side and I'm really enjoying it.
What do you do when you're not blogging? If I'm not working or blogging I can usually be found playing some sort of video game, or watching some sort of anime.
What kind of hair coloring do you use to get the blue, red, or purple in your hair?
I use several different brands, for the red hair that I had I used
Manic Panic Vampire Red. For the teal hair I used the brand N Rage Demi
Cobalt Blue, and for the purple I currently have I used N Rage Demi Purple